Dokumentet syftar till att beskriva den övergripande lösningsarkitekturen för Säker digital kommunikation och dokumentera publika API:et mot SDK Adressbok.
För komplett dokumentation för de underliggande eDelivery-plattformen och ramverket se nedanstående länkad dokumentation.
Komplett SAD Säker Digital Kommunikation (Extern länk: GitHub)
Ramverk för Plattform för eDelivery (Extern länk: GitHub)
Plattform - Informationssäkerhet och tillitsmodell (Extern länk: GitHub)
1. Bakgrund
Tidigare årsarbeten med SDK har visat att behoven går att realisera tekniskt baserat på EU:s ramverk CEF eDelivery, se ref R6, samt kompletterande specifikationer och anvisningar som finns i federationen SDK. Exempel på dokumentation är regelverk för deltagarorganisationer inom SDK, it-säkerhetsbilaga och intygan om överensstämmelse framtaget för deltagarorganisationer.
Federationen Säker digital kommunikation (SDK) består bl a av ramverk, regler, rutiner specifikationer och beskrivningar och viss gemensam infrastruktur vid informationsutbyte mellan regioner, kommuner, statliga myndigheter och privata utförare av offentligt uppdrag.
Under 2015 och 2016 har flera behovsanalyser hos kommuner, regioner, privata vårdutförare respektive statliga myndigheter visat på ett stort behov av säker digital kommunikation. Idag sker informationshanteringen mellan aktörerna till stor del manuellt, med fax, brev, telefon och e-post, därför att det saknas alternativ. Det tar tid, driver kostnader och skapar osäkerhet.
Det finns bland annat stora behov inom hälso- och sjukvård, socialtjänst och skola. Behovsbilden har ytterligare konkretiserats i projektets etableringsfas hösten 2017, och aktörerna har konstaterat att behoven bygger på att:
Informationen är känslig men ej av sådan karaktär att den avser rikets säkerhet.
Informationen ska kunna gå över öppet nät.
Informationen ska kunna vara ostrukturerad, för att kunna ersätta dagens fax, fysiska brev och telefonsamtal kan inte krav ställas på innehållets struktur.
Kommunikationen ska kunna ske mellan funktionsbrevlådor som möjliggör meddelandeutbyte från en handläggare hos sändande part till en annan handläggare hos mottagande part.
Kommunicerande parter ska kunna hitta säkra adressater, skicka, ta emot, och få kvittens på att ett meddelande överförts.
Förutsättningarna ska vara samma för offentliga aktörer och privata utförare av offentligt uppdrag.
Parterna ska kunna ansluta till en federation enligt fastställda regelverk utan att bilaterala överenskommelser ska behövas mellan alla olika parter.
SDK är ett samarbetsprojekt mellan Sveriges kommuner, regioner och myndigheter som har pågått sedan 2017. SDK har tagits fram av Digg och Inera i samarbete med Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner (SKR) samt enskilda kommuner, regioner och andra myndigheter.
2. Arkitekturell översikt
Den arkitekturella ansatsen för Säker digital kommunikation är att etablera ett gemensamt ramverk för säkert meddelandeutbyte baserat på standarder i så stor utsträckning som möjligt. Till ramverket ska det vara möjligt att ansluta meddelandetjänster med meddelandeklienter som användarens gränssnitt.
Anslutna meddelandetjänster kan kommunicera med varandra genom standardprotokoll, en överenskommen profilering av dessa protokoll, samt en gemensam innehållsspecifikation för själva meddelandet. Meddelandetjänsterna ansluts via s.k accesspunkter som ansvarar för att göra tekniska vägval och utföra säker robust transport till mottagande organisations accesspunkt.
Mottagarens meddelandetjänst hämtar mottagna meddelande från dess accesspunkt och gör meddelandet tillgängligt till behöriga användare i meddelandeklient. Själva meddelandeöverföringen är asynkron, vilket innebär att meddelandetjänsten kan sända meddelandet utan att behöva vänta på att få ett svar tillbaka från mottagarens system. Meddelandekvittensen skickas som ett separat meddelande tillbaka till avsändande meddelandetjänst, som sedan kan läsa av kvittensen alternativt visa larm om meddelandet inte kvitterades.
Den asynkrona modellen ger stöd för att köa meddelanden hos avsändande respektive mottagande system, för både själva transporten och de valideringssteg som behöver utföras. Det ingår även viss nödvändig gemensam infrastruktur i lösningen:
För att etablera tilliten till transportinfrastrukturens AP-operatörer, behövs en betrodd certifikatsutgivare (CA) och en reglerad hantering av denna, se avsnitt 7.4 Säkerhetsmekanismer. Utgivna certifikat används för att realisera säkerhetsmekanismer som transportkryptering, e-stämpling av försändelse, AS4-meddelandekryptering mot mottagande accesspunkt.
För att etablera tilliten till deltagarorganisationer behövs betrodda certifikatsutgivare (CA) och en reglerad hantering av dessa, se avsnitt 7.4 Säkerhetsmekanismer. Utgivna certifikat används för att realisera säkerhetsmekanismer på meddelandenivå såsom meddelandekryptering och signering. Meddelandekryptering och signering tillämpas mellan deltagarorganisationer.
En Certifikatpubliceringstjänst (CertPub) som innehåller deltagarorganisationers publika nyckel för att möjliggöra meddelandekryptering och signering, sk. organisation till organisation kryptering/signering (O2O-certifikat).
En källa till adressuppgifter (SDK adressbok) för de parter som kan kommunicera med varandra. Källan uppdateras av respektive deltagarorganisation, se nedan under Adresseringsmodell.
En metadatatjänst (SMP) som innehåller tekniska uppgifter om var de olika tjänsterna för meddelandeutbyte finns (teknisk ändpunkt för leverans av meddelande), vad de tekniskt stödjer (meddelandeformat, version etc), samt vilka certifikat som mottagande accesspunkt använder.
I den referensmodell, se figur nedan figur, för meddelandeöverföringen som tagits fram finns följande huvudsakliga logiska komponenter/lager:
Meddelandeklient (Verksamhetslager): hanterar gränssnittet mot användaren, hanterar koncept som "brevlåda", säker inloggning, behörighetsstyrning, besvara meddelande, konversationer (meddelandetrådning) osv.
Meddelandeklienten har det primära ansvaret för lagring av inkomna och skickade meddelanden, men ansvaret kan vara delegerat till en annan tjänst för lagring. o Representerar en funktionsadress o Ansvarar för att adressera meddelandet o Ansvarar för att skapa och presenterar meddelanden o Presenterar skickade meddelande samt dess meddelandestatus/kvittens meddelande o Lagrar meddelanden
Meddelandetjänst (Meddelandelager/meddelandeväxel): ansvarar för kryptering/dekryptering och signering/validerar signatur samt hanterar själva meddelandeöverföringen, hämta och lämna meddelanden hos accesspunkten (AP-operatör), validering av utgående/inkommande meddelanden, vid behov inom organisationen styra meddelande till rätt meddelandeklient (intern routing), svarstidsbevakning och ge stöd för omsändning av meddelandet om tidigare försök misslyckats. Meddelandetjänst integrerar med accesspunkt via gränsyta C (ej standardiserat tekniskt gränssnitt).
Accesspunkt (Transportlager): hanterar extern säker kommunikation med andra parter (gränsyta A), validering och säker kvittens på transportnivå samt teknisk adressering för att nå mottagarens accesspunkt. Säkerställer insynsoch integritetsskyddad transport via kryptering, e-stämpling av försändelse och kontroll av certifikat och stämplar.
Gemensamma komponenter: realiserar tjänster (gränsyta B) för adressering till organisation och funktion inom organisation, certifikatshantering, metadata om var de olika tjänsterna för meddelandeutbyte finns och vad de tekniskt stödjer.
3. Användningsfall Adressbokens API
Följande är exempel på hur Adressbokens API kan användas för att hitta adresser för att skicka meddelanden till. Generellt så är det rekommenderat att använda filtrering snarare än sökning för att hitta adresser. Filtrering är snabbare och mer effektivt än sökning.
Validera att en adress är giltig för en viss organisation före meddelandeskickning
Före ett meddelande skickas till en mottagare ska adressen valideras att den är giltig för mottagarorganisationen.[identifier][organization.participantIdentifier]
Om adressen är giltig för organisationen kommer adressen att returneras. Om adressen inte är giltig för organisationen kommer en tom lista att returneras.
Sök efter organisation, lista dess adresser, välj en adress att skicka meddelande till
Fritextsökning efter efter en organisation går även att kombinera med filtrering.
Efter att önskad organisation har hittats kan adresserna för organisationen listas.
Listningen av adresser är paginerad, och kan kräva flera anrop för att visa alla adresser.
Använd filtrering för att hitta en adress för ett visst syfte i en viss region
Använd en kombination av filtrering utifrån kodverk och koder tillsammans med geografisk avgränsning, exemplet söker efter adresser för anhörigstöd i Värmdö kommun.[codes.coding.code]=1400&filter[municipalityCode.coding.code]=0120
Sök efter en address att skicka meddelande till
Sökningar går att kombinera med filtrering för att hitta adresser som matchar specifika kriterier.[regionCode.coding.code]=22&filter[excludeNationalCoverage]=false
4. Framtida förändringar i datastrukturer
Idag inkluderar data en hel del strukturer som primärt eller enbart är avsedda att användas internt av Digg. Dessa strukturer kommer i framtiden att deprekeras och försvinna ur API och det kan redan idag vara bra att undvika att bygga in beroenden på dessa.
Utökade hämtningar
Idag stödjer API:et att efterfråga ytterligare data i samma anrop via parametern include, där enda giltiga värde är parent. Detta kan i framtiden byggas ut till att stödja fler värden för att inkludera exempelvis sök- eller geografiska kodverk/koder relaterade till en adress eller organisation.,codes
För adress anses följande struktur omfatta de centrala begreppen för en adress och är stabila över tid.
Varaktig struktur
Följande struktur består av de centrala begreppen
"type": "addresses",
"id": "08f87d3a-3d8a-4066-9c6a-379adaf3e8c0",
"attributes": {
"identifier": "",
"name": "Vård och omsorg Värmdö Kommun",
"unitName": "Vård och omsorgskontoret",
"description": "Ärende gällande Äldre, Fysisk funktionsnedsättning, Psykisk funktionsnedsättning och LSS"
"relationships": {
"parent": {
"data": {
"id": "41ba3758-204b-41b9-8f26-40a1e10b3b0b",
"type": "organizations"
"links": {
"self": ""
För organisation anses följande struktur omfatta de centrala begreppen för en organisation och är stabila över tid.
Varaktig struktur
"type": "organizations",
"id": "a2f3fe81-7ee6-4c9b-b226-778db2339089",
"attributes": {
"name": "Digg Intern",
"description": null,
"participantIdentifier": "",
"managementCode": {
"text": "Statlig"
"organizationNumber": "202100-6883",
"countryCode": "SE",
"type": "O"
"links": {
"self": ""
Fält som är avsedda för internt bruk, exempelvis för att avgöra om en adress ska visas eller ej kommer att deprekeras och tas bort ur API:et. Tidpunkt för detta är inte satt, utan kommer meddelas i god tid innan det sker.
Exempel på sådana fält är:
5. Generell information
Detta API baseras på standarden JSON API och är specificerat enligt OpenAPI 3.0.3.
Specifikationen för Adressbokens API för nedladdning: sdk-addressbook-v1.1.openapi.yaml
Rapport över kompatibilitet mellan Diggs och Ineras implementationer av API: API Kompatibilitet: Digg vs Inera
Endast läsoperationer är tillgängliga via denna version av Adressbok API, ingen auktorisation krävs för att utföra dessa läsoperationer.
Produktionsmiljöer och URL:er
Miljö | URL UI | Bas-URL API | Exempel: lista alla adresser |
SDK Produktionsmiljö |
SDK Acceptansmiljö |
SDK Öppen testmiljö |
License & copyright
This API is licensed under a MIT license.
This documentation is licensed under a CC4.0-BY-SA license.
Security Considerations
Data usage and XSS
A note on security and XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attacks.
The API makes no assumptions about the client environment.
It is primarily the responsibility of the consumer of the API to ensure that the data returned by the API (represented as JSON) is safe to use in the IT environment of the client.
For instance; if the data is used by a browser based (web) client -measures should be taken to ensure that sensitive characters are properly escaped.
The API do however enforce some formatting / validation of input data. Only a subset of characters are allowed in text fields, see documentation of individual fields below. Notably, the web client sensitive characters “<“ and “>” are not allowed to be entered into the system.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
No cross-origin sharing is allowed and no CORS headers are set. This means that the API can only be accessed from the same origin.
6. Endpoints
Dokumentationen nedan genereras direkt från API specifikation och källkod (på engelska).
Mappning av koncept mellan informationsmodell och API:
Resurs i API | Benämning infomodell | Svensk översättning | Beskrivning |
Addresses |
Functional Address |
Funktionsadress |
(Virtuell) verksamhetsfunktion inom organisation. Minsta adresserbara enhet för ett meddelande inom SDK. |
Organizations |
Organization |
Organisation |
Användarorganisation inom SDK. En organisation har en eller flera funktionsadresser. |
Codesystems |
Codesystems |
Kodverk |
Kodverk och koder som används inom SDK. Ett kodverk har en eller flera koder. |
Codes |
Codes |
Koder |
Kodverk och koder som används inom SDK. Ett kodverk har en eller flera koder. |
6.1. Address
6.1.1. List addresses
Method |
Path |
Operation Id |
getAddressesForOrganization |
Lists addresses for an organization. Responses are paged. Returns 200 is any addresses is found Returns 204 is no addresses for the organization match the filter criterias, contains a JSONAPIAddressResponse with an empty data: [] Returns 400 is any of the query parameters fails validation Returns 404 is the organization does not exist
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
organizationResourceIdentifier |
A unique and persistent identifier ,,set by the server,, in the form of a ,,UUID,,. This value has no real-world reference or business meaning, i.e. it is a technical surrogate identifier. Any changes by the client to this field will be ignored. |
X |
null |
Header Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
Accept-Language |
Indicates the natural language and locale that the client prefers |
- |
sv-SE |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
filter[name] |
Filters by name |
- |
null |
filter[categories] |
Filters addresses by category (a.k.a "tags"). |
- |
null |
filter[codes.coding.code] |
Filters by Codes. Note: codes (and code systems) used by SDK is defined in "SDK Kodverksregister" (SDK Code System Registry). |
- |
null |
filter[regionCode.coding.code] |
Applies geographic filtering on ,,Swedish Region code ("Länskod"),,. Comma-separated list if many. |
- |
null |
filter[municipalityCode.coding.code] |
Applies geographic filtering on ,,Swedish Municipality code ("Kommunkod"),,. Comma-separated list if many. |
- |
null |
filter[excludeNationalCoverage] |
Excludes addresses with nationwide coverage (i.e. Addresses with no Region- and Municipality codes set). Defaults to false. |
- |
false |
filter[matchAllCodes] |
Controls the filtering logic for codes - used in conjunction with filter[codes.coding.code]. If "true" only Addresses that contain at least ALL the submitted codes will be fetched (if omitted or set to "false" - the default behavior of matching at least ONE submitted code will be applied). |
- |
false |
page[number] |
Controls what subset (a.k.a "page") of the whole available set/collection should be returned. |
- |
0 |
page[size] |
Limits the number of resources returned in the response. The server will default to 25 for this value if omitted. A client can get fewer results by setting a smaller value. If set to larger than 25, the server will ignore this parameter and use the default (25). |
- |
25 |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
A JSON object MUST be at the root of every JSON:API request and response document containing data. This object defines a document’s “top level”. |
204 |
A JSON object MUST be at the root of every JSON:API request and response document containing data. This object defines a document’s “top level”. |
400 |
4xx Client error Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON:API document |
404 |
4xx Client error Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON:API document |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
<<>> |
6.1.2. Find addresses
Method |
Path |
Operation Id |
getAllAddresses |
Find addresses with filtering or full text search, or a combination of search and filtering. Responses are paged, default page size is 25 results per page, see pagination. Error handling Returns 200 if any addresses is found Returns 204 if no addresses match the filter criterias, contains a JSONAPIAddressResponse with an empty data: [] Returns 400 if any of the query parameters fails validation Returns 404 if the address is uniquely identified (filter[organization.participantIdentifier] + filter[identifier]) but not found
Header Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
Accept-Language |
Indicates the natural language and locale that the client prefers |
- |
sv-SE |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
q |
The search term to use for free text search |
- |
null |
filter[name] |
Filters by name |
- |
null |
filter[organization.participantIdentifier] |
Filters addresses by Participant Identifier of the parent Organization. |
- |
null |
filter[organization.type] |
Filters addresses by "Type" of parent Organization. |
- |
null |
filter[identifier] |
Filters addresses by its identifier (the unique function address used for message routing). |
- |
null |
filter[unitName] |
Filters addresses by its unit name. |
- |
null |
filter[categories] |
Filters addresses by category (a.k.a "tags"). |
- |
null |
filter[codes.coding.code] |
Filters by Codes. Note: codes (and code systems) used by SDK is defined in "SDK Kodverksregister" (SDK Code System Registry). |
- |
null |
filter[codes.coding.system] |
Filters by Code Systems. May be used in combination with function codes, to conduct fully qualified code searches. Note: Code System filter will apply to all Codes in the filter expression. |
- |
null |
filter[regionCode.coding.code] |
Applies geographic filtering on ,,Swedish Region code ("Länskod"),,. Comma-separated list if many. |
- |
null |
filter[municipalityCode.coding.code] |
Applies geographic filtering on ,,Swedish Municipality code ("Kommunkod"),,. Comma-separated list if many. |
- |
null |
filter[excludeNationalCoverage] |
Excludes addresses with nationwide coverage (i.e. Addresses with no Region- and Municipality codes set). Defaults to false. |
- |
false |
filter[matchAllCodes] |
Controls the filtering logic for codes - used in conjunction with filter[codes.coding.code]. If "true" only Addresses that contain at least ALL the submitted codes will be fetched (if omitted or set to "false" - the default behavior of matching at least ONE submitted code will be applied). |
- |
false |
caseSensitive |
An optional string value ("true" / "false") indicating if distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters should be active. Inactive ("false") by default. NB! Only applies to text-attribute filters |
- |
false |
include |
Request parameter to allow the client to customize which related resources should be returned. Valid value(s): "parent". |
- |
null |
/parent/ |
page[number] |
Controls what subset (a.k.a "page") of the whole available set/collection should be returned. |
- |
0 |
page[size] |
Limits the number of resources returned in the response. The server will default to 25 for this value if omitted. A client can get fewer results by setting a smaller value. If set to larger than 25, the server will ignore this parameter and use the default (25). |
- |
25 |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
A JSON object MUST be at the root of every JSON:API request and response document containing data. This object defines a document’s “top level”. |
204 |
A JSON object MUST be at the root of every JSON:API request and response document containing data. This object defines a document’s “top level”. |
400 |
4xx Client error Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON:API document |
404 |
4xx Client error Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON:API document |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
<<>> |
6.1.3. Fetch all categories
Method |
Path |
Operation Id |
getAllCategories |
Get all available categories (search tags) to be used when filtering for addresses
Header Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
Accept-Language |
Indicates the natural language and locale that the client prefers |
- |
sv-SE |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
OK |
400 |
4xx Client error Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON:API document |
404 |
4xx Client error Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON:API document |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
<<>> |
6.1.4. Fetch address
Method |
Path |
Operation Id |
getOneAddress |
Retrieves one address by Resource Identifier. Error handling Returns 200 if the address is found Returns 404 if the address does not exist
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
addressResourceIdentifier |
A unique and persistent identifier ,,set by the server,, in the form of a ,,UUID,, This value has no real-world reference or business meaning, i.e. it is a technical surrogate identifier. Any changes by the client to this field will be ignored. |
X |
null |
Header Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
Accept-Language |
Indicates the natural language and locale that the client prefers |
- |
sv-SE |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
include |
Request parameter to allow the client to customize which related resources should be returned. Valid value(s): "parent". |
- |
null |
/parent/ |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
A JSON object MUST be at the root of every JSON:API request and response document containing data. This object defines a document’s “top level”. |
400 |
4xx Client error Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON:API document |
404 |
4xx Client error Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON:API document |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
<<>> |
6.1.5. Search for addresses
Method |
Path |
Operation Id |
searchForAddresses |
Full text search of text attributes of Addresses by the given search term, and applies filtering. Responses are ordered by best match to search term. Responses are paged, default page size is 25 results per page, see pagination. Error handling Returns 200 if any addresses is found Returns 204 if no addresses match the search / filter criterias, contains a JSONAPIAddressResponse with an empty data: [] Returns 400 if any of the query parameters fails validation
Header Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
Accept-Language |
Indicates the natural language and locale that the client prefers |
- |
sv-SE |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
q |
The search term to use for free text search |
- |
null |
filter[categories] |
Filters addresses by category (a.k.a "tags"). |
- |
null |
filter[codes.coding.code] |
Filters by Codes. Note: codes (and code systems) used by SDK is defined in "SDK Kodverksregister" (SDK Code System Registry). |
- |
null |
filter[codes.coding.system] |
Filters by Code Systems. May be used in combination with function codes, to conduct fully qualified code searches. Note: Code System filter will apply to all Codes in the filter expression. |
- |
null |
filter[regionCode.coding.code] |
Applies geographic filtering on ,,Swedish Region code ("Länskod"),,. Comma-separated list if many. |
- |
null |
filter[municipalityCode.coding.code] |
Applies geographic filtering on ,,Swedish Municipality code ("Kommunkod"),,. Comma-separated list if many. |
- |
null |
filter[excludeNationalCoverage] |
Excludes addresses with nationwide coverage (i.e. Addresses with no Region- and Municipality codes set). Defaults to false. |
- |
false |
filter[matchAllCodes] |
Controls the filtering logic for codes - used in conjunction with filter[codes.coding.code]. If "true" only Addresses that contain at least ALL the submitted codes will be fetched (if omitted or set to "false" - the default behavior of matching at least ONE submitted code will be applied). |
- |
false |
caseSensitive |
An optional string value ("true" / "false") indicating if distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters should be active. Inactive ("false") by default. NB! Only applies to text-attribute filters |
- |
false |
include |
Request parameter to allow the client to customize which related resources should be returned. Valid value(s): "parent". |
- |
null |
/parent/ |
page[number] |
Controls what subset (a.k.a "page") of the whole available set/collection should be returned. |
- |
0 |
page[size] |
Limits the number of resources returned in the response. The server will default to 25 for this value if omitted. A client can get fewer results by setting a smaller value. If set to larger than 25, the server will ignore this parameter and use the default (25). |
- |
25 |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
A JSON object MUST be at the root of every JSON:API request and response document containing data. This object defines a document’s “top level”. |
204 |
A JSON object MUST be at the root of every JSON:API request and response document containing data. This object defines a document’s “top level”. |
400 |
4xx Client error Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON:API document |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
<<>> |
6.2. Code
6.2.1. List Codes for Code System
Method |
Path |
Operation Id |
getAllCodesForCodesystem |
Get all codes for one codesystem Returns 200 if any codes is found Returns 204 if no codes for the codesystem exists, contains a JSONAPICodeResponse with an empty data: [] Returns 404 if the codesystem does not exist
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
identifier |
A unique and persistent Code System identifier in the form of an ,,Object Identifier (OID),. |
X |
null |
Header Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
Accept-Language |
Indicates the natural language and locale that the client prefers |
- |
sv-SE |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
A JSON object MUST be at the root of every JSON:API request and response document containing data. This object defines a document’s “top level”. |
204 |
A JSON object MUST be at the root of every JSON:API request and response document containing data. This object defines a document’s “top level”. |
404 |
4xx Client error Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON:API document |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
<<>> |
6.2.2. Fetch Code
Method |
Path |
Operation Id |
getOneCodeForCodesystem |
Get one code for one codesystem Returns 200 if the code is found Returns 204 is no code for the codesystem match the code, contains a JSONAPICodeResponse (FIXME: check if this is correct) with an empty data: [] Returns 404 if the codesystem or code does not exist
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
identifier |
A unique and persistent Code System identifier in the form of an ,,Object Identifier (OID),,. |
X |
null |
code |
A unique code identifier - constructed from the concatenation of "{codeSystemIdentifier}-{code value}". |
X |
null |
Header Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
Accept-Language |
Indicates the natural language and locale that the client prefers |
- |
sv-SE |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
A JSON object MUST be at the root of every JSON:API request and response document containing data. This object defines a document’s “top level”. |
204 |
A JSON object MUST be at the root of every JSON:API request and response document containing data. This object defines a document’s “top level”. |
400 |
4xx Client error Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON:API document |
404 |
4xx Client error Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON:API document |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
<<>> |
6.3. CodeSystem
6.3.1. Find Code Systems
Method |
Path |
Operation Id |
getAllCodesystems |
Lists Code Systems. Responses are paged. Returns 200 if any code system is found Returns 204 if no code system match the filter criterias, contains a JSONAPICodeSystemResponse with an empty data: [] Returns 400 if any of the query parameters fails validation Returns 404 if the code system is uniquely identified (filter[id]) but not found
Header Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
Accept-Language |
Indicates the natural language and locale that the client prefers |
- |
sv-SE |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
filter[name] |
Filters by name |
- |
null |
filter[id] |
The resource identifier(s) to filter by. |
- |
null |
filter[systemType] |
Filter by system type |
- |
null |
page[number] |
Controls what subset (a.k.a "page") of the whole available set/collection should be returned. |
- |
0 |
page[size] |
Limits the number of resources returned in the response. The server will default to 25 for this value if omitted. A client can get fewer results by setting a smaller value. If set to larger than 25, the server will ignore this parameter and use the default (25). |
- |
25 |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
A JSON object MUST be at the root of every JSON:API request and response document containing data. This object defines a document’s “top level”. |
400 |
4xx Client error Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON:API document |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
<<>> |
6.3.2. Fetch Code System
Method |
Path |
Operation Id |
getOneCodesystem |
Retrieves one Code System by system identifier. Returns 200 if the code system is found Returns 404 if the code system does not exist
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
identifier |
A unique and persistent Code System identifier in the form of an ,,Object Identifier (OID),,. |
X |
null |
Header Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
Accept-Language |
Indicates the natural language and locale that the client prefers |
- |
sv-SE |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
A JSON object MUST be at the root of every JSON:API request and response document containing data. This object defines a document’s “top level”. |
400 |
4xx Client error Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON:API document |
404 |
4xx Client error Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON:API document |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
<<>> |
6.4. Organization
6.4.1. Find organizations
Method |
Path |
Operation Id |
getAllOrganizations |
Retrieves one Organization by Resource Identifier, this value has no real-world reference or business meaning, i.e. it is a technical surrogate identifier. Returns 200 if any organizations is found Returns 204 if no organizations match the filter criterias, contains a JSONAPIOrganizationResponse with an empty data: [] Returns 400 if any of the query parameters fails validation Returns 404 if the organization is uniquely identified (filter[id] or filter[participantIdentifier] + filter[organizationNumber]) but not found
Header Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
Accept-Language |
Indicates the natural language and locale that the client prefers |
- |
sv-SE |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
q |
The search term to use for free text search |
- |
null |
filter[name] |
Filters by name |
- |
null |
filter[id] |
The resource identifier(s) to filter by. |
- |
null |
filter[participantIdentifier] |
Filters organizations by Participant Identifier. |
- |
null |
filter[organizationNumber] |
Filter by organization number |
- |
null |
filter[type] |
Filters organizations by "Type". |
- |
null |
filter[regionCode.coding.code] |
Applies geographic filtering on ,,Swedish Region code ("Länskod"),,. Comma-separated list if many. |
- |
null |
filter[municipalityCode.coding.code] |
Applies geographic filtering on ,,Swedish Municipality code ("Kommunkod"),,. Comma-separated list if many. |
- |
null |
filter[managementCode.coding.code] |
Filter by management code. Comma-separated list if many. |
- |
null |
filter[excludeNationalCoverage] |
Excludes addresses with nationwide coverage (i.e. Addresses with no Region- and Municipality codes set). Defaults to false. |
- |
false |
caseSensitive |
An optional string value ("true" / "false") indicating if distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters should be active. Inactive ("false") by default. NB! Only applies to text-attribute filters |
- |
false |
include |
Request parameter to allow the client to customize which related resources should be returned. Valid value(s): "parent". |
- |
null |
/parent/ |
page[number] |
Controls what subset (a.k.a "page") of the whole available set/collection should be returned. |
- |
0 |
page[size] |
Limits the number of resources returned in the response. The server will default to 25 for this value if omitted. A client can get fewer results by setting a smaller value. If set to larger than 25, the server will ignore this parameter and use the default (25). |
- |
25 |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
A JSON object MUST be at the root of every JSON:API request and response document containing data. This object defines a document’s “top level”. |
204 |
A JSON object MUST be at the root of every JSON:API request and response document containing data. This object defines a document’s “top level”. |
400 |
4xx Client error Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON:API document |
404 |
4xx Client error Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON:API document |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
<<>> |
6.4.2. Fetch organization
Method |
Path |
Operation Id |
getOneOrganization |
Retrieves one Organization by Resource Identifier, this value has no real-world reference or business meaning, i.e. it is a technical surrogate identifier. Returns 200 if the organization is found Returns 404 if the organization does not exist
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
organizationResourceIdentifier |
A unique and persistent identifier ,,set by the server,, in the form of a ,,UUID,,. This value has no real-world reference or business meaning, i.e. it is a technical surrogate identifier. Any changes by the client to this field will be ignored. |
X |
null |
Header Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
Accept-Language |
Indicates the natural language and locale that the client prefers |
- |
sv-SE |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
include |
Request parameter to allow the client to customize which related resources should be returned. Valid value(s): "parent". |
- |
null |
/parent/ |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
A JSON object MUST be at the root of every JSON:API request and response document containing data. This object defines a document’s “top level”. |
204 |
No Content |
<<>> |
400 |
4xx Client error Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON:API document |
404 |
4xx Client error Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON:API document |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
<<>> |
6.4.3. Search for organizations
Method |
Path |
Operation Id |
searchForOrganizations |
Full text search of text attributes of organizations by the given search term, and applies filtering. Responses are ordered by best match to search term. Responses are paged, default page size is 25 results per page, see pagination. Error handling Returns 200 if any organizations is found Returns 204 if no organizations match the search / filter criterias, contains a JSONAPIOrganizationResponse with an empty data: [] Returns 400 if any of the query parameters fails validation
Header Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
Accept-Language |
Indicates the natural language and locale that the client prefers |
- |
sv-SE |
Query Parameters
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
q |
The search term to use for free text search |
- |
null |
caseSensitive |
An optional string value ("true" / "false") indicating if distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters should be active. Inactive ("false") by default. NB! Only applies to text-attribute filters |
- |
false |
filter[type] |
Filters organizations by "Type". |
- |
null |
include |
Request parameter to allow the client to customize which related resources should be returned. Valid value(s): "parent". |
- |
null |
/parent/ |
page[number] |
Controls what subset (a.k.a "page") of the whole available set/collection should be returned. |
- |
0 |
page[size] |
Limits the number of resources returned in the response. The server will default to 25 for this value if omitted. A client can get fewer results by setting a smaller value. If set to larger than 25, the server will ignore this parameter and use the default (25). |
- |
25 |
Return Type
Content Type
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
A JSON object MUST be at the root of every JSON:API request and response document containing data. This object defines a document’s “top level”. |
204 |
No Content |
<<>> |
400 |
4xx Client error Error objects provide additional information about problems encountered while performing an operation. Error objects MUST be returned as an array keyed by errors in the top level of a JSON:API document |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
<<>> |
7. Models
7.1. Address
Represents a reachable adress within an organization
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
identifier |
String |
name |
String |
unitName |
String |
description |
String |
activatedAt |
Date |
date-time |
deactivatedAt |
Date |
date-time |
updatedAt |
Date |
date-time |
categories |
List of [string] |
codes |
List of CodeWrapper |
municipalityCode |
List of CodeWrapper |
regionCode |
List of CodeWrapper |
7.2. AddressCategoriesResponse
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
categories |
List of [string] |
7.3. Code
A list of Codes defined by a set of decided Terminology Systems. Codes are applied to a Functional Address to facilitate systematic searching. Search codes may express the "business function" of the Address (Swedish: "sökkod eller funktionskod") and / or organizational structure of the Address (Swedish: "strukturkod").
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
code |
X |
String |
Symbol in syntax defined by the system. |
displayName |
String |
Representation defined by the system. If missing {@link #originalText} should be used. |
originalText |
X |
String |
A human language representation of the concept as seen/selected/uttered by the user who entered the data and/or which represents the intended meaning of the user. |
additionalInfo |
String |
Additional information, a human-friendly description to determine the applicability of the code. |
7.4. CodeSystem
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
system |
X |
String |
A unique identifier for the code system (business identifier) usually an OID. |
name |
X |
String |
Name for this code system. |
version |
X |
String |
The version for this code system. |
alternateName |
String |
An alternate name for this code system. |
description |
String |
A clear text description of the code system. |
systemType |
X |
String |
Defines the purpose of the code system. Must be one of [SEARCH, STRUCTURE, GEO, SYSTEM, OTHER]. |
createdAt |
Date |
The date and time when this code system was added to the system. |
date-time |
updatedAt |
Date |
The date and time when this code system was updated (e.g. a change of metadata). |
date-time |
String |
The email address to the organization maintaining this code system. |
url |
String |
The homepage of this code system. |
7.5. CodeSystemWrapper
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
system |
String |
name |
String |
version |
String |
7.6. CodeWrapper
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
text |
String |
coding |
CodeWrapperCoding |
7.7. CodeWrapperCoding
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
system |
String |
code |
String |
displayText |
String |
additionalInfo |
String |
7.8. JSONAPIAddressResourceObject
"Resource objects” appear in a JSON:API document to represent resources.
A resource object MUST contain at least the following top-level members: * type * id
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
type |
X |
String |
id |
String |
attributes |
Address |
relationships |
JSONAPIParentRelationshipObject |
links |
JSONAPISelfLinks |
7.9. JSONAPIAddressResponse
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
meta |
links |
JSONAPIPaginationLinks |
data |
X |
List of JSONAPIAddressResourceObject |
included |
7.10. JSONAPICodeResourceObject
"Resource objects” appear in a JSON:API document to represent resources.
A resource object MUST contain at least the following top-level members: * type * id
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
type |
X |
String |
id |
String |
attributes |
Code |
7.11. JSONAPICodeResponse
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
meta |
links |
JSONAPIPaginationLinks |
data |
X |
List of JSONAPICodeResourceObject |
7.12. JSONAPICodeSystemResourceObject
"Resource objects” appear in a JSON:API document to represent resources.
A resource object MUST contain at least the following top-level members: * type * id
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
type |
X |
String |
id |
String |
attributes |
CodeSystem |
7.13. JSONAPICodeSystemResponse
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
meta |
links |
JSONAPIPaginationLinks |
data |
X |
List of JSONAPICodeSystemResourceObject |
7.14. JSONAPIErrorObject
title: a short, human-readable summary of the problem that SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization.
detail: a human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem. Like title, this field’s value can be localized.
source: an object containing references to the primary source of the error.
status: the status code of error.
traceId: a unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem.
errorCode: an application-specific error code, expressed as a string value.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
title |
String |
A short, human-readable summary of the problem that SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization. |
detail |
String |
A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem. Like title, this field’s value can be localized. |
source |
String |
An object containing references to the source of the error |
status |
String |
The HTTP status code applicable to this problem, expressed as a string value. |
traceId |
String |
A unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem. |
errorCode |
String |
An application-specific error code, expressed as a string value. |
7.15. JSONAPIErrorResponse
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
errors |
List of JSONAPIErrorObject |
7.16. JSONAPIMeta
Optional Metadata of this API. See JSON API Top Level Object.
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
api-version |
String |
The version of this API, adhering to the Semantic Versioning concept. |
version |
String |
The version of this Software Artifact, adhering to the Semantic Versioning concept. |
buildTimestamp |
String |
Software build timestamp. |
request-id |
String |
Identifier for this request. |
7.17. JSONAPIOrganizationResourceObject
"Resource objects” appear in a JSON:API document to represent resources.
A resource object MUST contain at least the following top-level members: * type * id
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
type |
X |
String |
id |
String |
attributes |
Organization |
links |
JSONAPISelfLinks |
7.18. JSONAPIOrganizationResponse
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
meta |
links |
JSONAPIPaginationLinks |
data |
X |
included |
7.19. JSONAPIPaginationLinks
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
self |
String |
Link to this page of results |
prev |
String |
Link to the previous page of results |
next |
String |
Link to the next page of results |
last |
String |
Link to the last page of results |
first |
String |
Link to the first page of results |
7.20. JSONAPIParentRelationshipObject
Parent organization
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
parent |
Parent |
7.21. JSONAPISelfLinks
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
self |
String |
Link to this page of results |
7.22. JSONAPISingleAddressResponse
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
meta |
links |
JSONAPIPaginationLinks |
data |
X |
JSONAPIAddressResourceObject |
included |
7.23. JSONAPISingleCodeResponse
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
meta |
links |
JSONAPIPaginationLinks |
data |
X |
JSONAPICodeResourceObject |
7.24. JSONAPISingleCodeSystemResponse
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
meta |
links |
JSONAPIPaginationLinks |
data |
X |
JSONAPICodeSystemResourceObject |
7.25. JSONAPISingleOrganizationResponse
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
meta |
links |
JSONAPIPaginationLinks |
data |
X |
JSONAPIOrganizationResourceObject |
included |
7.26. Organization
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
createdAt |
Date |
date-time |
updatedAt |
Date |
date-time |
name |
X |
String |
description |
X |
String |
alternateName |
String |
participantIdentifier |
X |
String |
affiliation |
String |
managementCode |
CodeWrapper |
publicProvider |
Boolean |
organizationNumber |
X |
String |
countryCode |
String |
Enum: SE, |
validCodeSystems |
List of CodeSystemWrapper |
municipalityCode |
List of CodeWrapper |
regionCode |
List of CodeWrapper |
type |
String |
Enum: O, UO, |
participantStatus |
ParticipantStatus |
7.27. Parent
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
data |
ParentData |
7.28. ParentData
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
id |
String |
type |
String |
Enum: organizations, addresses, codesystems, |
7.29. ParticipantStatus
Field Name | Required | Type | Description | Format |
lastChecked |
String |
result |
String |
Enum: OK, NOT_FOUND, |